Portable Anti-intruder Lock

Stop. Don’t breathe. Just listen. What do you hear?
Oh my gosh. Is that… yeah, it is. Someone’s at your front door. Only it’s midnight and you’re in bed. Alone.
Your kids are already asleep and your husband’s working late. Or maybe you just started college and your roommate chose tonight of all nights to hit the town.
Panic’s setting in fast, and we’re pretty sure it’s not going anywhere until this is over.
Don’t freak out yet.
This security lock reinforces your door to keep intruders out and your loved ones safe.

- No tools required. Just slip this lock between the door frame and your already existing lock and you’re set. It sets up in seconds.

- Take it anywhere. It’s lightweight and smaller than your phone. Hotel rooms, dorm rooms, your home… you can literally use this anywhere.
- Universal. It works with any door. Okay, there’s one caveat. Your door has to open inwards (most doors do). Otherwise, you’re good.
- Super strong. The metal is made to withstand force. In other words, no way is anyone breaking it, no matter how hard they try.
- Extra safety. It doesn’t replace the lock you’ve already got, it adds to it. Think of it like this: before, your door was plastic. Now, it’s iron.
Perfect for securing:
- Classroom doors
- Hotel rooms
- Airbnb's
- Dorm rooms
- Home front doors
- Home bedrooms
- Rental units
When someone’s breaking in, you don’t always have time to call for help.
So stop intruders before they even get inside.
Order this security lock now and keep danger where it belongs—far away from you and your family.
Contact Options Email: support@londonmarketshop.com (Best Option) Phone Number: 44 20 7660 1046 Address: London Marketshop, 275 New North Road Islington, Suite 1258, London N1 7AA